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01737 246649


Some of the UK’s leading tile manufacturers use DISAB units to help pick up the extremely fine dusts created during the production process.

Our powerful vacuums, with their fully enclosed recovery systems, help to maintain high standards for in-house H&S requirements and council legislations.

Client Testimonials

Johnson Tiles

“We needed an effective response ASAP, and the BagVac™ was a fantastic solution. We were removing about one tonne of tile dust every 5 days, and crucially we kept production going at full capacity. The BagVac™ was brilliant!”

“We also hired a SkipVac™ for our annual outage when we undertook our major maintenance programme. The annual outage is a key part of our meeting our ISO 14001 accreditation, and the unit’s been excellent and proven itself to be highly effective at dust and waste removal.”


Monier Redland

“Initially we focused on dust extraction from the production line, but we soon started using the SkipVac™ on other parts of the line, and then for the general housekeeping needs as well – around the floor of the plant and factory, under the line and around the machinery, and so on. It’s become a very effective and multi-purpose cleaning machine.”


Talk to us today

Whether you require a tailor made solution, want to hire one of our industrial vacuum units or simply wish to discuss your requirements in more detail, call us on 01737 246 649 or use the button below to enquire online.