Solent Stevedores

Project information
Project: Dry bulk storage cleaning and spillage removal
Client: Solent Stevedores
Product: DISAB CompVac
Project Background
Handling millions of tonnes of cargo and over 250 cruise vessels annually, Solent Stevedores operate The Southampton Bulk Terminal within the Port of Southampton, one of the UK’s busiest and most important ports. Over recent years Solent Stevedores has been asked to receive, handle, store and load out a vast array of cargoes and shipments of dry bulk commodities, primarily grain and animal feeds, but fertiliser, gypsum, recycled glass and metal, salt, soil, sugar and wood products also form part of the annual volume handled. So the vacuum unit had to handle all these types of materials, besides grain.
The 100,000 tonnes of grain handled annually for the milling, brewing and feedstock industries requires an 8,000 sq metre TASCC approved storage facility to accommodate export cargoes prior to shipment. Keeping this clean and up to TASCC standards, as well as meeting the various external inspections carried out by customers, is a major task. This used to be done manually using brooms, brushes, barrows and shovels, and not surprisingly was one of the least popular and most back breaking of tasks.
So, berth managers Doug Webb and Jerry Board decided to search for a 21st century solution to their cleaning and spillage removal challenges, and hired in the DISAB CompVac.
The solution
The storage facility had to be maintained to a high standard in order to comply with the standards required by TASCC, UFAS and ISO 14001 but cleaning up of the grain and animal feeds was carried out manually, and inevitably made it’s way into hard to reach places that couldn’t be reached with a brush. Dust removal was therefore a major headache, and cleaning spillages was a very laborious and time consuming job when using shovels, brooms, buckets and barrows.
The DISAB CompVac provided a far more efficient way of doing things. The CompVac comes complete with a 60 foot flexible suction hose, cleaning nozzles and extension tubes to make cleaning large areas simple, and the powerful 16.5kw electric motor produces the kind of suction power that easily removes materials like grain and dust into its spacious internal hopper. The DISAB CompVac is also easily portable with a forklift, creating enormous flexibility and with optional cleaning kits for overhead areas, any awkward nook or cranny is within easy reach.
“Our operatives were very impressed by the DISAB CompVac. It’s a very good piece of machinery for dealing with dust and spillages, and of course it saves them both a lot of time and the back breaking chore of shovelling and brushing the dust and waste grain.”
“We’ll certainly be using use the DISAB CompVac again.”
Product Features
The CompVac’s high suction capacity together with its flexible discharge system makes the unit very useful in most vacuum cleaning situations and is the perfect choice when large amounts of material needs to be vacuumed.
Due to its flexibility the CompVac also gets into difficult areas where cleaning needs to be carried out without the use of fixed pipe network.
The CompVac can be used as a free standing suction unit with the connection of 2”, 3” and 4” hoses and the unit is also suitable for fixed installations, connected to a fixed installed pipe system with multiple suction outlets.
Product Overview
- 16.5kw of vacuum power
- Clears fine dusts to debris up to 50mm in diameter
- Material can be directed into skips, bins, bags or onto conveyors
- Perfect for awkward catchment areas
- ATEX models available
- Automatically ATM filter cleaning system, no compressed air
- Retractable legs
- Filter system for dry and moist material

Waste removal is faster, easier and more efficient, less time is spent by operators cleaning and large capacity collection mean less time spent emptying too. So downtime is significantly reduced.
Large deposits can be sucked up quickly from virtually anywhere and safely disposed of, or recycled back into process. So, if recovered material is valuable, huge savings can be achieved.
Because our powerful vacuum technology removes fine particles from the atmosphere, there’s far less dust to get into the moving parts of your plant or damage bearings, which will mean greater reliability, less downtime, and a longer shelf life for your equipment.
There’s no need for lengthy, back-breaking manual collection. Thanks to our fully enclosed systems and highly advanced filters, harmful dusts are instantly removed and safely contained, minimising the risk of dust exposure to your employees.
Talk to us today
Whether you require a tailor made solution, want to hire one of our industrial vacuum units or simply wish to discuss your requirements in more detail, call us on 01737 246 649 or use the button below to enquire online.